
My Experiments With Code - Chintan Patel

Hello, World! (Again)

After spending a week learning Jekyll/Octopress/GitHub Pages, I am finally able to start blogging like a hacker.

Being an iOS Developer, getting the hang of blogging with Jekyll took some time but i highly recommend it for any developer who wants to escape the security updates of WordPress or if you are just looking for an adventure. I also had the added advantage of not having any previous blog posts to migrate but even if you have a blog already, there are migration steps available for almost every blog engine out there like WordPress, Movable Type, Posterous, Tumblr, Blogger (Blogspot) etc. and the list still goes on.

After playing around with Jekyll and Jekyll Bootstrap for a few days, i soon realized it will be a waste of time trying to set up a blog with a responsive theme all by myself due to my limited web development skills. It was at this point that i discovered Octopress which felt like it was designed especially for people like me who are developers but not necessarily web developers and after i found out Matt Gemmell too uses Octopress to host his blog with the default theme, the path ahead for me was clear.

I do have a HostGator shared hosting account but looking at the sheer number of blogs hosted from GitHub, i decided to try out hosting the blog on GitHub Pages. Since hosting on GitHub Pages is free, now my blog only costs the domain renewal fees (10-15 USD/year) and not hosting + domain renewal fees (~120 USD / year). Money staying in the bank is always a good thing. :)
